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 Applying the dementia-inclusive planning and design guidelines

 As seen in the dementia-inclusive path example, the Guidelines are designed to work together across all three design scales, and can be applied to a wide range of planning and design projects.


To help planners see which Guidelines may be most relevant to their work, we have created a visual guide that highlights the applicability of different Guidelines to areas such as housing and development, transportation, pedestrian and bike planning, parks and recreation, and more.

Download the Implementation Guide here.


Guidance on high-level urban planning decisions:

1. Land use designation 

2. Street grids 

3. Building form 

4. Transit routes 

5. Open spaces 

Neighbourhood scale


Mid-scale design decisions for pedestrian and road networks

1. Pedestrian paths and sidewalks 

2. Pedestrian crossings 

3. Building edges and entrances 

4. Transit stops 

5. Parking and drop-off 

Street scale


Design of the micro-environment and supportive amenities

  1. Seating

  2. Public art

  3. Placemaking

  4. Public toilets

  5. Signage

  6. Ground treatments

  7. Grade (level) changes

  8. Lighting

  9. Acoustics

  10. Vegetation

Detailed design scale

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