Applying the dementia-inclusive planning and design guidelines
As seen in the dementia-inclusive path example, the Guidelines are designed to work together across all three design scales, and can be applied to a wide range of planning and design projects.
To help planners see which Guidelines may be most relevant to their work, we have created a visual guide that highlights the applicability of different Guidelines to areas such as housing and development, transportation, pedestrian and bike planning, parks and recreation, and more.

Guidance on high-level urban planning decisions:
1. Land use designation
2. Street grids
3. Building form
4. Transit routes
5. Open spaces
Neighbourhood scale

Mid-scale design decisions for pedestrian and road networks
1. Pedestrian paths and sidewalks
2. Pedestrian crossings
3. Building edges and entrances
4. Transit stops
5. Parking and drop-off
Street scale

Design of the micro-environment and supportive amenities
Public art
Public toilets
Ground treatments
Grade (level) changes